My profile may indicate my current location in Santa Cruz, CA... but I assure you I am still a Buckeye. The transition to life in a place where the city does not have an obligate responsibility to wear red on Saturdays in the fall has been difficult and after a wee bit over 4 years now I was starting perhaps, to lose a touch of the football fever myself. I now however feel renewed since finishing this spirited sweater for my Mother's cat. He will be the talk of the town, and maybe we could get the ultimate sweater vest king (Jim Tressel to all of you from around these parts) to sign a photo of Dookie in his sweater.

I'll try not to hold that against you after the way the Buckeye's tromped OSU at the Alamo Bowl a few years ago...
Oh, I can think of at least one bowl game we got tromped pretty well ourselves...
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