Sunday, September 12, 2010

Knitting in the Rain

I wasn't actually out knitting in the rain, but I did wait for the torrential downpour to take pictures.  Smart.  I jumped back inside off my balcony when the super charged thunder started.  Now I'm just trying to post this before the power goes out.  This is my current progress on the first of two Christmas shawls, one for each Grandma.  This one is for Grandma Brown.  High-larious, am I not?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Lightly Blocking

I have finished the Citron.  It was so boring and painful to knit.   It was just row after row of stockinette with intermittent ruffle sections containing an exponentially larger number of stitches to slog through.  Blech.  Never again.  So say we all.