Saturday, April 5, 2008

Beauty Swap

I cranked out this washcloth to go along with lemon-lime soap and lip balm for an upcoming beauty product gift exchange. Hope the unknown mystery recipient likes it.


Anonymous said...

Super fun colors! What type/colors of yarn did you use? That's my new favorite cloth pattern...everyone I know better like it too because they're all getting them.

Erin K. said...

McCarren - were you ever a West Wing fan? If so and watched every episode like we did - this post reminds me of 'Joshua Lemon-Limon'
I'm sure your swapper will be very happy.

PS - elena is very happy with your knitting explanation. Given her current love of scissors, I think we'll hold off on the yarn shop visit. But never fear, I'm sure some AGU you can keep each other busy in the corner of the Moscone somewhere!

Trifarina said...

I used the good old standard Lily Sugar and Cream Kitchen cotton, they were leftovers so I can't quote you the exact color names...

I kind of sort of hated West Wing.... but I didn't catch the earlier episodes and I hear they were better.